Pokemon Origins Download

Pokemon origins gba download

  • Pokemon: The Origin based off of Pokemon Red/Green is 4 episodes which gives a brief summary of the games they were based on. The reason that Pokemon: The Origin was good was because of the characters Red: The main character he did what the other guy(Ash/Satoshi) couldn't do and that is dominate, have a clear goal, and actually follows that.
  • Oct 06, 2017  Pc Game: Pokemon Origin Fire Red 3D Demo 1.3 - gameplay - pokemoner.com - download: This game will be a remake of the pokemon fire red in 3D with a style similar to that of.

Pokemon FireRed:Origins After years of lurking on forums of Pokemon Romhacks I have finally decided to make one of my own that matches the specific needs I wanted. After seeing Pokemon Origins I knew that the hack I wanted was a complete FireRed Version with the addition of Mega Evolution.

Pokemon Origins Download

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Pokemon Origins Download On Pc

Pokemon Original Game Soundtrack

| # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Album name: Pokemon Original Game Soundtrack
Number of Files: 197
Total Filesize: 118.92 MB
Date added: Nov 24th, 2006
Album type: Game
Head back to nostalgia with Pokemon Original Game Soundtrack!
Released on: Game Boy

New! Download all songs at once: click to download
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TrackSong NameMP3
101.opening1:592.06 MB
102.palette town theme1:181.20 MB
103.professor oak0:490.76 MB
104.oak research lab0:460.72 MB
105.rival appears0:430.67 MB
106.the road to viridian city - from palette1:000.94 MB
107.battle (vs wild pokemon)1:301.50 MB
108.victory (vs wild pokemon)0:370.57 MB
109.pewter city's theme2:112.08 MB
110.pokemon center1:141.13 MB
111.pokemon recovery0:080.12 MB
112.viridian forest1:532.10 MB
113.guidepost0:380.66 MB
114.trainer appears (girl chapter)0:250.40 MB
115.battle (vs trainer)3:173.68 MB
116.victory (vs trainer)0:310.51 MB
117.mt. moon cave1:401.53 MB
118.the road to cerulean from mt. moon1:291.49 MB
119.cerulean city's theme1:171.18 MB
120.pokemon gym1:151.17 MB
121.to bill's lighthouse - from cerulean0:520.86 MB
122.jigglypuff's song0:110.17 MB
123.vermillion city's theme1:031.04 MB
124.codename- st. anne1:241.46 MB
125.the road to lavender town - from​vermillion1:171.42 MB
126.pokemon whistle0:150.23 MB
127.trainer appears (boy chapter)0:300.50 MB
128.battle (vs gym leader)2:002.51 MB
129.victory (vs gym leader)0:570.94 MB
130.cycling1:251.41 MB
131.lavender town's theme1:491.94 MB
132.pokemon tower2:212.18 MB
133.celadon city1:171.22 MB
134.casino1:301.45 MB
135.trainer appears (bad guy chapter)0:280.43 MB
136.team rocket hideout2:292.63 MB
137.sylph company1:211.30 MB
138.ocean1:301.50 MB
139.cinnabar islands' theme0:591.01 MB
140.pokemon mansion1:241.46 MB
141.evolution0:350.60 MB
142.the final road1:141.40 MB
143.last battle (vs rival)2:302.33 MB
144.into the palace1:041.01 MB
145.ending1:461.77 MB
146.bulbasaur0:190.34 MB
147.ivysaur0:190.34 MB
148.venusaur0:190.34 MB
149.charmander0:200.36 MB
150.charmeleon0:190.35 MB
151.charizard0:200.36 MB
152.squirtle0:190.34 MB
153.wartortle0:200.36 MB
154.blastoise0:200.36 MB
155.caterpie0:190.35 MB
156.metapod0:200.36 MB
157.butterfree0:190.34 MB
158.weedle0:200.36 MB
159.kakuna0:190.34 MB
160.beedrill0:200.36 MB
161.pidgey0:180.33 MB
162.pidgeotto0:190.35 MB
163.pidgeot0:190.34 MB
164.rattata0:180.33 MB
165.raticate0:180.33 MB
166.spearow0:190.34 MB
167.fearow0:190.35 MB
168.ekans0:190.33 MB
169.arbok0:200.36 MB
170.pikachu0:190.34 MB
171.raichu0:190.35 MB
172.sandshrew0:180.33 MB
173.sandslash0:180.34 MB
174.nidoran0:190.35 MB
175.nidorina0:190.35 MB
176.nidoqueen0:190.35 MB
177.nidoran0:190.35 MB
178.nidorino0:190.35 MB
179.nidoking0:200.37 MB
180.clefairy0:190.34 MB
181.clefable0:180.33 MB
182.vulpix0:200.35 MB
183.ninetails0:200.36 MB
184.jigglypuff0:180.32 MB
185.wigglypuff0:180.33 MB
186.zubat0:180.34 MB
187.golbat0:190.34 MB
188.oddish0:190.34 MB
189.gloom0:190.34 MB
190.vileplume0:190.34 MB
191.paras0:190.35 MB
192.parasect0:200.37 MB
193.venonat0:190.35 MB
194.venomoth0:190.34 MB
195.diglett0:190.34 MB
196.dugtrio0:190.34 MB
197.nyaasu0:180.32 MB
198.persian0:210.37 MB
201.psyduck0:190.34 MB
202.golduck0:200.36 MB
203.mankey0:190.34 MB
204.primeape0:190.33 MB
205.growlithe0:190.34 MB
206.arcanine0:190.35 MB
207.poliwag0:190.35 MB
208.poliwhirl0:190.34 MB
209.poliwrath0:190.35 MB
210.abra0:200.36 MB
211.kadabra0:200.38 MB
212.alakazam0:190.35 MB
213.machop0:190.34 MB
214.machoke0:190.34 MB
215.machamp0:190.34 MB
216.bellsprout0:180.33 MB
217.weepinbell0:190.35 MB
218.victreebell0:200.35 MB
219.tentacool0:180.34 MB
220.tentacruel0:210.38 MB
221.geodude0:190.35 MB
222.graveler0:190.34 MB
223.golem0:200.36 MB
224.ponyta0:190.35 MB
225.rapidash0:200.37 MB
226.slowpoke0:190.34 MB
227.slowbro0:190.35 MB
228.magnemite0:180.33 MB
229.magneton0:190.35 MB
230.farfetch'd0:180.32 MB
231.doduo0:190.35 MB
232.dodrio0:210.38 MB
233.seel0:200.36 MB
234.dewgong0:200.37 MB
235.grimer0:190.35 MB
236.muk0:190.34 MB
237.shellder0:190.34 MB
238.cloyster0:200.36 MB
239.ghastly0:190.35 MB
240.haunter0:190.35 MB
241.gengar0:190.35 MB
242.onix0:190.35 MB
243.drowzee0:200.37 MB
244.hypno0:210.38 MB
245.krabby0:190.34 MB
246.kingler0:190.35 MB
247.voltorb0:190.35 MB
248.electrode0:210.37 MB
249.exeggcute0:200.36 MB
250.exeggutor0:220.40 MB
251.cubone0:200.35 MB
252.marowak0:210.38 MB
253.hitmonlee0:210.38 MB
254.hitmonchan0:200.36 MB
255.lickitung0:210.38 MB
256.koffing0:200.37 MB
257.weezing0:200.36 MB
258.rhyhorn0:200.38 MB
259.rhydon0:210.38 MB
260.chansey0:200.37 MB
261.tangela0:200.36 MB
262.kangaskhan0:190.35 MB
263.horsea0:210.37 MB
264.seadra0:190.34 MB
265.goldeen0:200.36 MB
266.sea king0:200.36 MB
267.staryu0:190.35 MB
268.starmie0:190.36 MB
269.mr. mime0:200.37 MB
270.scyther0:200.37 MB
271.jynx0:220.39 MB
272.electabuzz0:190.35 MB
273.magmar0:210.39 MB
274.pinsir0:200.36 MB
275.tauros0:200.36 MB
276.magikarp0:200.36 MB
277.gyarados0:200.37 MB
278.lapras0:200.38 MB
279.ditto0:180.33 MB
280.eevee0:180.33 MB
281.vaporeaon0:200.37 MB
282.jolteon0:210.38 MB
283.flareon0:210.38 MB
284.porygon0:200.37 MB
285.omanyte0:190.35 MB
286.omastar0:210.39 MB
287.kabuto0:190.35 MB
288.kabutops0:200.37 MB
289.aerodactyl0:200.37 MB
290.snorlax0:210.38 MB
291.articuno0:200.37 MB
292.zapdos0:200.37 MB
293.moltres0:200.36 MB
294.dratini0:190.34 MB
295.dragonair0:210.38 MB
296.dragonite0:200.37 MB
297.mewto0:210.38 MB
298.mew0:240.39 MB
299.sound effect collection7:388.15 MB
Total:1h 53m119 MB


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Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
How awesome, especially the having all the 151 pokemon sounds too, that's a nice addition. It's cool how you were able to extract all those sounds from the game, you're a leet person in my opinion.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
I am simply amazed...
*sniff* i'm getting all nostalgic now :')
though i would like to point out that the file named 197 - nyaasu.mp3 would be better to re-name to it's english name: 197 - meowth.mp3 - since all the others are in english.
Also another thing: put the W in two back in 297 - mewto.mp3, so it'll be 297 - mewtwo.mp3, makes it look better ^^ and the Powerfulliest POKéMON in Red, Blue, Green and Yellow derserves it :D

Submitted by gabelance1
Rating: 10/10
This is my favorite Soundtrack ever THANK YOU WHOEVER RIPPED THIS. This soundtrack has a great songs that bring back so many memories. The songs are very catchy and are very techno sounding, because the use a lot of synth. Someone songs use to get me so pumped up like the last battle (vs. Rival), but my favorite song is Pokemon Tower even though i don't remember this song in the game.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
10/10 out of pure nostalgia and the many pokemon noises too.
Viridian Forest Rules!
Well done for extracting them all! ^__^ Pure awesomeness!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Dawn:I call out my Tentacruel!(Tentacruel is sent out, we hear Tentacruel's cry)
Andrew:Oh, yeah? Steelix, Go!(Steelix is sent out, we still hear Steelix's cry)
Dawn:Tentacruel, do a Waterfall!(Tentacruel uses Waterfall at Steelix)
Andrew:Steelix, Iron Tail, now!(Steelix uses Iron Tail at Tentacruel)
Dawn:Quickly, Tentacruel, drop a glass shoe with your Surf!(Tentacruel uses Surf at Steelix)
Andrew:Don't let her drop the glass slippers, Steelix. dodge and counter with Thunder Fang!(Steelix uses Thunder Fang at Tentacruel)
Dawn:Now! Tentacruel, slap him across the face with another big floppy Water Pulse!(Tentacruel uses Water Pulse at Steelix. and Steelix fainted)
Andrew:Oh, no! Steelix, you've been injured by his Water Pulse! Steelix, return!
Dawn:This is it! Tentacruel, use your Waterfall now!(Tentacruel is using Waterfall)
Andrew:Wait a sec. i don't have a Pokemon.(Tentacruel uses Waterfall at Andrew) ew, gross. got wet Tentacruel Waterfall all over my face.
Dawn:Now! Tentacruel, Finish him off with Surf!
Andrew:No. holy smokes, stop this, right now. you're sick, dearie. i'm outta here!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Sailor Venus:And whatever you do, don't forget not to enter the dark forest. They are so many trees that never look alike when you are going. If you move just one long turn, you'll be running around in circles! I've never heard of the story about when Snow White got in, but never get out.
Optimus Toad:Mm-Hm. name us about that Famicom.
Sailor Venus:Maybe so. In the Mushroom Woods, you get Super Famicom!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Hello, Youtube fans. I'd want to see Venus Love Me Chain sparta remix. it's the sparta remix with one of Sailor Venus's attacks. somebody wants to make it. please, make the sparta remix of Venus Love Me Chain.

Submitted by Ferrisx4
Rating: 5/10
The only thing I couldn't find in this was the 'Surf' Theme. That's the only thing I was looking for.Otherwise, it's great quality and could probably be useful in making a ROM or something.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
favorite song: rival last battle
favorite cry: starmie
ringtone: rival appears

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
To whoever ripped this,
I feel like a huge nerd now, but you made my day. Thank you so frickin much XD

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 6/10
All of the tracks have this weird echo effect on them. The battle tunes have Pokémon attack sounds mixed in with them. All of the Pokémon calls have a Japanese Pokédex description with them, which isn't exactly a problem, it just doesn't really fit with the video game sounds. The Pokémon Sound collection includes a terrible, unnecessary remix song using the sounds and a robotic voice.
While I don't really care about the sound effects, this sort of 8-bit music sound infinitely better when it is raw without any reverb or other effects, and throwing in non-musical sound effects was a terrible idea. I wish there was a more pure rip, without all of the extra nonsense. But I have yet to find one.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
omg i love you!! No homo! :D :D :D :D :D XD

Submitted by Charmander<3
Rating: 10/10
OH MY ARCEUS I AM IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! !
I've been looking for these and here they all are in one place and there is even the original pokemon ugh it's just perfect!!

Submitted by Draco Mudonis
Rating: 5/10
Love these!
My faves are the Lavender Town and Pokemon Tower.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
To Ferrisx4: The track titled 'Ocean' is the surf theme I believe.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
I downloaded 101, 108, 105, and 143. I

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
The battle music is really epic! I don't know how nintendo comes up with this kind of music.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
The sound collection :,( is A remix? Wahh

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 4/10
It is just the cries. I found out that the Japanese Pokédex entry is at the end.
I WANT TO LISTEN TO... Pallet was Palette?

Submitted by yoman21a
Rating: 10/10
I love number 299!!! It is a great way of combining all the sounds. I love it and sounded great. Plus this music was amazing! Really nostalgic!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
i love to have all pokemon in mp3 all the names so Professor Oak can say them on ashs pokedex

Submitted by Squender
Rating: 10/10
It´s awsome man!
I´m looking for this many years
Thanks !!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
U'r ROCK...!
Thank 's for Ev'rybody or Admin who had uploaded This Ost.
I like song 0f the road to viridian city - from palette. This song maked me 2 flashback when I was playing this game...
once again Thank's ADMIN.... :)
Two Thumb 4 U :-bd

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Thanks to whoever put the time and effort into doing this, made my day to have the wild battle soundtrack as my ringtone :P (

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Its a good collection sure, but its too bad the SFX had to be in one file. I was looking for the super effective sound all on its own.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
All the 718 Pokemon need more cries and more information including stats! abilities and flavor text. The narrator will explain each Pokemon while he's speaking in English, not just Japanese.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
I love it! I've only downloaded a few songs but I love it! I like the Sound Effect Collection but we didn't really need the song.
I'm not saying I hate the song. I like it, but it just wasts space. Mewtwo definitely needs the W inserted in its name - and it deserves it. Also Gastly has no H in it, and Nyaasu should be changed to Meowth.
Sorr y if I'm being a little picky but still, it is great and deserves a 10/10. Other than the spelling mistakes it is awesome!
You deserve a 10/10 for this album!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Thank so much
But i think 197,198are not mewto and mew sounds i think they are paras and parasect sounds you need to fix them

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
I now have a song to listen to when I ride my bicycle. I love this man. Great job

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 7/10
This was ripped by GAMEFREAK. I have the oridginal soundtrack too, the one without cries. They made another, with cries.
Poké Bunny

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
These songs bring so many memories back

Submitted by Qwertpop1
Rating: 10/10
Oh my fricking gosh this is amazing kudos to you! I love Pokemon yellow, so after my actual GB broke, I got game play color and love it! The only thing is.. I need the opening part in the very beginning like if you start a new game.. I can't find it anywhere... So if you could email it to me here
Frodyderp@hot mail.com
Just don't sign me up for crap. Thanks anybody and every body!

Submitted by Unbedeutendschweine
Rating: 10/10
Honestly took me about 20 minutes to realize what Nyaasu was.
But again, finding this honestly made me really happy ;u;

Submitted by Unbedeutendschweine
Rating: 5/10
I'm honestly surprised you lads didn't use the original Lavender Town theme...if anyone would like it, I can give it to you.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Amazing! But for the people who don't know, the reverb wasn't added in, it was originally supposed to sound like that, but due to technical limitations, it sounded like it does on the Game Boy.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Amazing! You got almost ALL the sound effects from the game! But there's ONE tiny problem, THERE'S NOLEVEL UP SOUND HERE! That's the only problem! Other than that, it's great!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Well done very good. I am a fan of pokemon and it is a great help

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
It's really great but why does giovanni theme is missing ?

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Simply awesome, art of dedication

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
This is a great soundtrack. I enjoy the music.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Cool! But how come you didn't add the MissingNo. sound? And why is there a sparkle noise on the Haunter sound? It's just odd.

Submitted by SoloZeroUchiha
Rating: 10/10
Awesome, simply awesome... God bless you whoever put all this together and made me listen heaven bless fully soundtrack...