Native Instruments Monark Crack

MIDI Control VST Download Free Crack. Awesome Native Instruments 220: Monark Demystified - 12. MIDI Control VST Download Free Crack. Awesome Native Instruments 220: Monark Demystified - 12. MIDI Control VST Download Free Crack.

  1. Native Instruments Monark Cracker
  2. Native Instruments Monark Crackle
  3. Native Instruments Monark Download


  • Legendary mono basses and leads perfect for any style
  • Unrivalled organic analog sound and feel
  • Easy to use controls accelerate creative flow


MONARK delivers the sound of the king of analog monosynths. Capturing every nuance in spectacular detail, this is the holy grail of analog modeling.


MONARK captures the pure organic sound of the undisputed king of monophonic analog synthesizers. Years of meticulous research capture every nuance of the synth at the center of four decades of popular music. The first choice for bass and lead sounds from electronic and hip hop to indie rock and beyond, no other synth comes close to this combination of power, richness, and musical tone. Delivering the true sound of a synth as famous as the artists who used it, MONARK is the holy grail of analog modeling.
MONARK runs in REAKTOR or the free REAKTOR PLAYER, and is optimized to integrate perfectly with the entire MASCHINE family.


MONARK is a virtual synth with a dynamic, analog heart – designed to be played one note at a time to truly savor its bold, fat tone. Every aspect of the complex interaction of complex analog circuits to the behavior of the filter when overloaded was meticulously studied and recreated using cutting-edge DSP technology.
MONARK features super-snappy envelopes, making stabbing melodic lines and punchy electronic drum sounds easy to create. MONARK’s advanced architecture even reproduces the the sound of wiring the headphone output into the VCF input, and analog oscillator and filter drift, delivering a sound so lively, fat, and warm you won’t believe it’s software – all built within the powerful REAKTOR framework.


Master MONARK’s unbelievable power in record time. Its simple layout consists of three oscillators, a smooth filter and amp section, and essential fine tuning, modulation, and glide controls. From thundering basses to thick, singing leads, synthesis doesn’t get any easier than this. MONARK’s signature tone instantly enriches tracks with a natural character missing from most other synths – delivered with incredible ease of use and all the convenience of software.


MONARK was created using the low-level modular DSP framework of REAKTOR CORE and takes advantage of Zero-Delay Feedback technology as formulated by its creator, Native Instruments' Vadim Zavalishin. Using mathematical prediction, ZDF technology eliminates the sample delay normally produced when trying to digitally model analog circuits involving feedback, such as a resonant filter.
Because it’s impossible to recreate complex analog circuits with mathematics alone, MONARK’s engineers relied on their ears to make the final adjustments to its sound. Combining advanced scientific research with refined human perception and a deep understanding of synthesis, MONARK is not only the most accurate virtual analog synth available, but a testament to Native Instruments’ commitment to leading software instrument design into the future.
Read Vadim Zavalishin’s article on DSP and non-linear systems


Product type KOMPLETE Instrument
Number of Sounds 383
Sound Categories Monophonic synthesizer for leads, bass, classic, percussion, sequenced, FX
For use with: Free REAKTOR PLAYER or REAKTOR (both latest version).
Download size (Mac / PC) 29.4 MB
User Manual: Download Manual


Design your own custom synth using key components of MONARK. The MONARK oscillator, filter, and envelope are also available as individual modules in REAKTOR Blocks – a framework that turns REAKTOR 6 into a fully-equipped, rack-style modular synth. Combine them with high-quality components from other NI products and the rest of REAKTOR Blocks to patch together any sound only you can dream up.
Learn more about Blocks in REAKTOR


This is just one of a range of instruments, effects, and hybrids that run on the REAKTOR framework. Discover instruments that redefine software-based synthesis and push the boundaries of contemporary sound.


In this review of Native Instruments Komplete 11 bundle, we are going to be going over a Reaktor ensemble virtual synth called MONARK.

MONARK is a software synth that according to Native Instruments website is modelled after the undisputed king of monophonic analog synthesizers which we all know to be a Moog even though they don’t really state that anywhere on their page, but the look and feel of MONARK definitely reminds us of the iconic MiniMoog.

So let’s begin…


The Oscillators

MONARK is a “three-oscillator” subtractive synth each oscillator has six waveforms to choose from: Triangle, Triangle/Sawtooth, Sawtooth, Square, Narrow Pulse, Very narrow pulse. Oscillators 2 and 3 can be tuned to give that analog feel to them and can also be used as a type of LFO, oscillator 3 can also be used as a mod source with the modulation wheel on your midi keyboard.

Each oscillator has had allot of care put into it to get it to sound more like its analog counterparts to achieve this each oscillator in MONARK is slightly different to each other as each waveform has slightly different harmonic content hereby giving us a more analog feel and with a drift control and oscillator and filter spillage control on the B side of MONARK makes this one of the most realistic representations of an analog synthesizer I have heard in a while.

The Presets

MONARK comes with over 380 presets to start your musical journey with sorted in 6 different categories Bass, Lead, Classic, Perc/Seq, FX and the User bank any preset can be tweaked and resaved in your own bank keeping the original sound and the one you have tweaked.

The sounds themselves sound really good and give you a really good representation of what MONARK can do.

The Mixer

The mixer in MONARK lets us mix the oscillators together add some noise (white and pink) and lets us bring in some feedback to our sound the feedback of which sounds really great and natural and can turn really aggressive at higher values, the feedback comes in two different types one of which comes really close to the technique of plugging in an external signal into the Minimoog’s filter.

The load control on the mixer is a really fun control which is used to drive the levels of the oscillator’s before they come into the filter giving us a really great sounding overdrive.

The Filter & Envelopes

The filters in MONARK really sound awesome of which we have four, the classic beautifully warm sounding MM filter (MiniMoog), a LP2, Lp1 and a BP filter. The attention to detail that went into creating these filters is really something as they don’t just sound wonderful but can also self-oscillate with the resonance maxed out just like the filter on the MiniMoog itself and with key-tracking can be played up and down the keyboard as well.

The envelopes in MONARK work really well as they do not jump to an initial value on start but continue smoothly from their current state this is essential to keep with the way the envelopes work in its analog counterpart and giving MONARK an added degree of expression.


In MONARK there are two sources you can use to modulate your sound oscillator three and the noise oscillator these can be used to create an LFO type of effect but also be used to affect the way the filter is used when pressing a key on your keyboard this can really produce some fat sounding and wobbling effects to your sound.

The B Side

The B-side of MONARK gives you some neat extra settings to give Monark more of an analog feel to it like the oscillator tuning section and the filter leakage and drift controls together with the legato controls and the ramp and curves of the pitch bend and modwheel controls this can really make MONARK sound like the analog counterpart it is trying to recreate.

In conclusion, MONARK is one of the closest sounding recreations of an analog synth and one of the best recreations of a MiniMoog out there. MONARK is an extremely easy synth to program and use it can sound incredibly fat but can also produce some really delicate sounds and FX without much effort. Monark is in my opinion, a must have synth in your collection as the sound it can produce is just amazing so lush and rich and it is almost impossible to get an awful sound to come out of this synth.


Native Instruments Monark Cracker


Native Instruments Monark Crackle

[tie_list type=”checklist”]
  • Easy to use an Program
  • Not heavy on cpu
  • Sounds amazing
  • Most accurate recreation of a MiniMoog I have heard from a soft synth in a long time.

Native Instruments Monark Download

[/tie_list] [/one_half][one_half_last]


[tie_list type=”cons”]
  • No external input like the original MiniMoog but the feedback controls do give an excellent recreation of the effect that was produced in the original.
Native [/tie_list] [/one_half_last]

Native Instruments MONARK runs in REAKTOR 6 or the free REAKTOR PLAYER, and is optimized to integrate perfectly with the entire MASCHINE family.